Tucker turned four yesterday. We celebrated with a fun party with friends on Saturday, a family party on Sunday, green and yellow cupcakes, a Mickey Mouse cake and a homemade pinata (which incidentally is not a great craft to do with a four year-old).
It is unbelievable how big Tucker has gotten; he is definitely a little boy now, and his toddler-ness is long gone. It is bittersweet for me to see him grow out of the cute baby stage into such a fun, fast-moving, independent boy. I love that he still is a snuggler so I can still get short moments of holding my oldest baby tight!
It has been fun to see Tucker’s personality continue to emerge and flourish this year; especially with Molly in the picture I feel like I now have a little bit more of a reference point about what is Tucker and what is a developmental stage.
When I think of Tucker, I think:
Kind. He is so gentle hearted and truly thinks and cares for others. When he hears Molly cry, he runs to her saying, “I’m coming, my baby!”
Sensitive. His eyes frequently well up with tears at a sharp word. Oh, how I wish I had more patience!
Talkative. He literally talks non-stop. He can talk even the (second) most talkative person I know into the ground!
Focused. When I see him with other kids his age, Tucker is definitely on the serious end of things, and he has a level of focus for things that interest him beyond his years.
Outdoorsy. He knows more about what’s going on outside our house—the chickens, the garden, etc.—than I do. He’s like the postal service: neither sleet nor slow nor rain nor anything can keep him from going outside.
Reserved. Tucker isn’t truly shy, but it takes him a little bit of time to warm up to a new situation.
Creative. Tucker marches to the beat of a different drummer. He loves getting dressed up in crazy outfits, he loves crafts and making things—but he wants to do it HIS way, which is more interesting. He is beginning to show interest in sports, but he has little interest in rules and organized games.
A few other odds and ends:
Tucker’s favorite color is green. Yellow is second, but no longer tied for first. Tucker frequently checks what Austin’s wearing before he picks what he will wear for the day. Tucker’s favorite toys are his ride-on truck and his Magna Doodle. He especially loves to attach the shopping cart to the truck so that he can tow a trailer.
Tucker loves to play hide and seek, make caves, play the tackle-wrestle game with Daddy, hold hands with Molly in the car, pick anything in the garden, check on the chickens, help Austin with projects, read in his room. He has left his obsession with cars and trucks behind and I rarely see him playing with them anymore. He prefers art and music and puzzles.
Oh, my boy, I love you! Happy Birthday!