Emily was a month old on Monday. She already looks so different from when she was born, and is clearly growing very quickly. She still fits into most of her 0-3 month clothes, but we’ve gotten out all the 6 month clothes and she fits into those too. I’m not sure that we have real smiles from her yet, but the edges of her mouth are starting to turn up, and her eyes will track the Itsy Bitsy Spider if you do the motions while you sing.
She also is eroding Austin’s hopes of early potty training because she has stopped going to the bathroom every time her diaper is off. At first it was like clockwork—she waited to go potty till her diaper was off—and gave her daddy the idea that he would be able to train her as soon as she could hold up her head. Riiight.
She is already so much better than either of her older siblings at taking a bottle, which is very nice for me. Unfortunately, nursing has been challenging lately because she has reflux and arches her backs and screams in pain during feedings. Pumping bottles makes feeding her out of the house possible. Of course given our allergic track record as a family we are looking into whether the reflux is made worse by an allergy. I personally am guessing it’s cow’s milk so I’m now dairy free, at least for awhile. I think it’s helping but it’s only been a couple days and babies are so erratic from day to day, so am withholding judgment.
She is a great sleeper; her record so far is going 7 hours without feeding. What a star. The only time she is not a great sleeper is when she gets overtired. Beware, lest she not sleep between feedings: she becomes a very good screamer. Poor kid, when she’s too tired, she is inconsolable.
Emily is treasured by her big sister. Molly feels very proprietary over what Emily wears every day. Molly will also stop whatever she’s doing to watch Emily take a bath. Molly threw a fit yesterday that I didn’t let her look at Emily’s eyes to check if they were open or closed (note, I had asked her three times to get dressed for preschool and we were late….) She also has a fascination with me pumping bottles. (I haven’t figured that one out and hope that fascination will end soon.)
Molly regularly tells me things like, “Mom, don’t you LOVE having a baby?” And I do. Being with Emily is absolutely delightful.