…Is quite a sweetie, but not as easy as she was at one month!
Her favorite activity these days is naked bum time—lying on a mat with her diaper off and wiggling. She looks like she is going to do a back somersault, she waves her legs around so much. She also enjoys baths, being outside and the front pack. She cracks huge grins and loves to be talked to. She also loves to be sung to, especially if you do hand motions. She is getting loved on pretty hard these days by Molly and we are having to teach Molly that babies don’t enjoy fingers poking their face at all times of day.
She is not as interested in eating as either of my older two kiddos. She is really particular about nursing and everything has to be just right or she screams very loudly and gives up. To get her to try again I have to prop her up on a pillow and talk to her until she smiles, then give her a pacifier, then move her back into nursing position, then quickly switch out the pacifier for nursing… and I’m lucky if it works. Nursing her outside the house under a nursing cover is next to impossible. But since she isn’t as interested in eating as my other two, she goes longer outside the house without eating, and will be satisfied by playing with a couple ounces in a bottle. Although she doesn’t seem bothered by not having a full meal and she easily makes it 2 or 3 hours till the next one that just means she’s hungry at night. The best set-up for her and eating is in a dark room with me not reading and no other children around. When does this happen? Yes, night time. Austin commented that he’s more tired with her at two months old than when she was a week old!
At one month she was 11 lbs 8 oz, at two months she is 13 lbs 6 oz which is about the 90th percentile, and same goes for height. (Of course we were ten days late for our 2 month appointment so she’s a bit smaller percentile wise than that…)