I was a little concerned that Molly wouldn’t wear the cap and gown her preschool wanted her to for graduation, if she decided they weren’t pretty enough. Thankfully, she got on board with the festivities. I supplied the big pink beads so that she could feel extra pretty. (She has many, many more opinions on fashion than I did at her age, or well, really ever.) Hopefully she gets on board about her uniform for kindergarten this fall as well! It’s not something I am discussing with her a) because she has no choice and b) she tends to want to wear the opposite of what I pick for her. For example, we were doing errands and she needed a couple nightgowns. There was a rack with about 5 different options, of which I told her she could pick two. She asked me which ones I liked best, and I ranked them 1 to 5. She promptly chose my 5th ranked choice. Not that I care which nightgown she picks, but it is pretty reliable how she picks things in relation to my preferences. If I do care what she chooses but am not willing to pull the you-have-to-wear-this-or-you’re-in-trouble card, then I strategically don’t tell her what I really think.
Anyway. Molly the preschool graduate taught herself to read this past month. She came home from preschool and reported that her friends who are twins know how to read. So she sat down and taught herself. Literally, she couldn’t read, and then that day she just decided she was going to and started sounding out words and figuring them out. I was pretty surprised. She is only 4 and a half but she knows how to skip, pump on the swings, tie her shoes, read, and I’m not sure what else. If she puts her mind to it, I think the list could be pretty long. For example, a couple months ago Austin’s parents were coming over. Molly told me, “Henny doesn’t like messes!” So while I was enjoying a Sunday afternoon nap, she cleaned the house. She straightened everything downstairs, then cleaned everything off our kitchen table and wiped it down. It looked to me when I got downstairs like Austin had been at work! But it was actually Molly.
My darling Molly, you are a firecracker!