Richard Scary titled one of my favorite children's books ever "What Do People Do All Day?" Check it out if you don't know it, it's pretty fun.
In any case, the level of busyness in that book reminds me of the level of busyness in Tucker's day. He is a perpetual motion machine. But what exactly does he do?
Well, he chases. He gets chased. He runs around in circles, usually around the coffee table, or the kitchen island, but sometimes around the whole downstairs.
He lets Ben the dog know he is loved. (Constantly.)
He takes things out of drawers and brings them to us (shoes are his favorite--today he spent a long time with Austin's flip-flops on his hands, and an equally intense time arranging my garden shoes).
He spends a lot of time taking things out of containers, and putting things into containers, though his organizational style is a bit unique. For example, recently he determined that a whole drawer of craft supplies needed to go in his truck. Right now he's trying to put ducky into a metal lid. (This is apparently a very serious undertaking....)
He also spends a lot of time helping with basic household activities. He loves to press the buttons on the washer. He could spend all day taking the cover to the dog food off and feeding the dog. He loves to take the silverware caddy out of the dishwasher, and stand on the dishwasher door to get a better angle at the rest of the dishwasher's contents. He also LOVES to sweep. Nothing beats a broom (I hope he keeps that sentiment when he's a teenager).
He has a special talent for pointing out trucks and cars. And cows.
He has another affinity for finding hidden pacifiers and duckies (well, really for finding ANYTHING hidden.)
He also has an amazing sense for when anyone in the house is eating. He is especially good at eating Daddy's breakfast.
He's even added a couple new tricks to his repertoire recently. One is incessant clapping. Austin and I are curious if he learned a song in the nursery during Bible study that involved clapping, or what. In any case, he loves to walk around clapping, and loves it even more if we join in. He's turned into the little drummer boy over the past week.
His other new trick this weekend is a bit more concerning: watching TV. He has never shown any interest in the TV till this weekend when he sat down about three feet from the TV and was transfixed at 10 minutes of PBS commercials. Today he was mesmerized by the LeBron-Kobe NBA battle. I suppose he was doomed from the start to like watching sports in our household.