Tucker found his tie this morning, just before we left to go strawberry picking, and decided it was just the thing for the occasion. He got a bunch of smiles throughout our trip to town, especially at the pharmacy and post office.
I thought berry picking would be a bigger hit with the little man than it was. He didn't see the sense in putting berries into the container, and he also was under the impression he should sample as many of the berries as possible, like he was a quality control inspector or something. So he went down the row picking strawberry after strawberry and taking one bite out of each of them (I did my best to stop this, of course). When I put the flat with our berries down for him to put berries into, he started taking one bite out of every one. I quickly took the flat away.
When we got home, he took his push/ride on truck and proceeded to run as fast as he could around the kitchen, while yelling at the top of his lungs. I captured a few seconds of it, but just imagine this going on... and on... and on.... Whenever we got up to do something he chased us around with the truck.