We left on our summer vacation yesterday. It felt like mobilizing a small army to get out of the house, and we were thrown a few curve balls at the last minute like finding a half-eaten chicken stuck in a small crack at the bottom of our coop. (Keep in mind we found it when we were training our neighbors' elementary-aged children how to take care of them in our absence... it was a grotesque introduction to life on the farm.)
But we were ready to go by the morning, and rolled out the driveway by 8 am. As we were leaving Austin asked me "Does it feel like we're on vacation yet?" Tucker enthusiastically answered "Yes!" from the back seat. Then about an hour later, while we were stopped at a light, a bunch of emergency vehicles flew by. Tucker yelled "YES!" as loud as he could, he was so excited. I guess it's going to be a yes kind of vacation. I can handle that.
Since we arrived in Annapolis we already went on a boat tour around the Annapolis harbor (quite a hit with the little man), played on the cannons at the Naval Academy, discovered an antique ride-on fire engine in the backyard (thanks to the Holdens) and had a bunch of great meals. We also had an informal family book group last night to discuss a fabulous book we all got at Christmas -- Same Kind of Different as Me. But the way I know it's really vacation is I'm already 200 pages into my first book! What a life.