We haven't been hiking very much this year, partly out of concern with how long Tucker would be willing to ride in the backpack now that he prefers to walk. This weekend we decided it was time, so we found a great hike off the Blue Ridge Parkway starting at Slacks Overlook (which actually didn't have a view). It was a great time, though if it had been a half mile shorter it would've been even better. :)
Tucker turned out to be an enthusiastic hiker today, though our plan to tire him out before putting him in the backpack didn't work very well. We hadn't thought through that Tucker's coordination would be no match for a rocky trail with lots of roots. Poor guy has a scraped up nose from a succession of falls that abbreviated his walking attempt and landed him in the backpack for the duration.
The highlight of the trail was when it went into a natural ampitheater with a small waterfall that fell at least 10 feet over the rocks. Other highlights of our trip included when Tucker saw Ben eating grass and leaned down to pretend to eat a fern. Tucker got very excited about finding each blaze on the tree (and touching it) and soon ducky and pacifier were also enjoying the game. We also passed a bunch of blueberry bushes with some ripe fruit on it (yummy!).