...are the new playthings of the week.
First, keys. Tucker really likes keys right now. He wants keys of his own when we go for rides in the car. He NEEDS keys when he plays outside with his car, or inside with his ride on truck, too. He deftly runs and gets the stool from the bathroom and can reach our key rack, so no key is safe from him at this point though we are really trying to limit him to one set of totally extra play keys and another keychain that is relatively superfluous as well. It works sometimes... when we're watching him like a hawk. :) And what does he do with these keys? Well, they always end up stuck in some lock somewhere, as shown on the pictures. It could be the door to Austin's spray truck, or my car, or Austin's truck, or the front door... but eventually they find a home.

The next toy of the week is the cases to all of Tucker's videos. Tucker is an organizer. He loves to put things in order, collect things, look at them, line them up, put them together, etc. He has a set of Wheels on the Bus videos in a cardboard case with lots of paper inserts that has become more fun than his matchbox cars this week. All the DVDs have been long since rescued to safe places by us, but that doesn't stop the fun. In the spirit of plenty, he has also added to his hoard many of the cases of various VHS and other DVDs that he has... Thomas the train, Barney, I Dig Dirt. Yesterday, he carried the whole bundle with him into the car and held it the whole time he was in the car (wanting to pick it up every time we got back in the car). Last night he slept with them, and informed me at 2 am that one of the bus video cases had slid down underneath the bed and I should get it for him (for some reason, I was more concerned about him coughing, and not the missing bus video)... of course, he woke up talking about the missing bus video again. (That kiddo has a one track mind!)

Lastly, spoons. Well, actually, Tucker goes for all utensils, but he needs more than one to tackle any meal. He can reach the silverware drawer and he pulls out all the "fun" utensils he can find and runs and sticks them into whatever he's eating. He is also very specific about telling us whose utensil it is (ie "Henny's spoon").