Molly was officially a month old a couple days ago. She celebrated by going to the doctor and weighing in at 10 lbs 10 oz, which is about the 90th percentile (she was only 50th at birth). Her other stats are in similar percentiles, which puzzles me as almost all newborn hats are still too big for her. If she's in the 90th percentile of 1 month olds for head circumference, how come none of the hats fit her? Things to ponder.
She remains an angel baby--content and sleepy and pretty quiet. She emerged from the womb having her days and nights straightened out which makes us parents particularly happy. She is also much better at digesting food than Tucker and doesn't need to constantly wear a bib because she isn't constantly spitting up, and isn't constantly in pain from reflux and allergies. (Praise God!)
Her favorite activities these days are cooing in her sleep (we've tried to capture it on video, but the noise is too soft for the camera to pick up). She also enjoys cooing while eating. Speaking of eating, she is a talented eater and is respectful of the fact that she's a second child--she's game to nurse while I'm walking up the stairs and would probably attempt it upside down if asked of her. She is resisting attempts to get on a schedule--her schedule is a bizarre baby schedule right now that involves both marathon sleep times and marathon wake times. No newborn is "supposed" to be awake 4 hours at a time, but Molly seems to prefer to concentrate all her wake time into one morning session and then sleep the rest of the day.
Molly has had very few times in her young life so far where she's been crying and wouldn't settle down almost immediately after being picked up. Her fussing tends to sound like a little lamb bleating and generally if she's offered someone to snuggle against, she will be absolutely content.
One of the neatest and most surprising things so far has been how well Tucker has done with Molly. Tucker is so sweet with her. I thought that once the novelty wore off (like on day 3) Tucker would lose interest and mostly see her as competition. Although there have definitely been times where Tucker has been jealous sharing me, overall he is very enthusiastic about our new addition. He frequently sits beside her and holds her hand for five or more minutes at a time. He likes to help me change her diaper and fetch things that I need for her. This morning he stopped watching Curious George so he could help me give her a bath. He has never tried to pick her up by himself, and is pretty gentle with her. If I give him a choice about whether to put Molly in her crib to watch her mobile or bring her into his room to see his toys, he picks bringing her into his room where he proudly puts every single stuffed animal he has around her. It is neat watching their relationship start to grow--I'm thankful it is starting on such a positive note!