Little Molly is already four months old. Time is certainly flying in our house. She was 15 lbs, 10 oz at the doctor's this week--90th percentile (75th in height)! Tucker was a pound and a half bigger than her at this point, but she seems plenty big to me. She is already wearing some 9 month clothes--in fact she's grown out of some 9 months outfits that run small! It's hard not to miss outfits, we've already missed a couple that ran smaller than advertised.
She continues to be an amazing sleeper. She goes to sleep at 6 pm and usually sleeps to about 6 am, with one dream feed before I go to bed. She is alert enough to make sleeping when we're out and about difficult, which means she usually doesn't get a good morning nap. She makes up for it in the afternoon, though, with often a 3 hour nap (today it was over 4 hours when we finally woke her up).
She seems very interested in food. She leans towards our forks and drools when we hold her while eating, so I decided to give her solids this week for the first time. She is not quite sure what exactly they are, but is very enthusiastic. She opens her mouth and leans towards the spoon, though she hasn't quite mastered swallowing versus letting it all dribble out. She is much better than her brother about eating from a bottle, though she prefers nursing.

Her favorite activities are jumping in the doorway jumper and watching her big brother. The easiest way to make her smile is to repeatedly kiss her chubby cheeks. At Bible study the other day she was mad because she was tired but wouldn't sleep. All it took for her to calm down was to find another 3 year-old boy for her to watch (Tucker was at preschool so he was not available) and she instantly quieted. She also loves music. The week before at the same Bible study she was mad because she was tired and wouldn't sleep. All it took then was for someone to turn on a CD and she immediately relaxed and chilled for the whole song--and then fussed as soon as it was turned off. Not that her fusses are really all that bad--she remains an amazingly relaxed little one.