Crazy Kiddo #1:
-Emerged from his room during rest time yesterday in a red vest, Mickey Mouse hat and socks on his hands to do something unidentified in the bathroom (ie not using the potty). He saw me in the hall and turned around and ran back to his room. The pic is of his outfit on Saturday. He picked it out himself, if you couldn't tell.
-Came into our room this morning with wet sweatpants. Upon inquiring, he told us that he decided he didn't want to wear a pull-up to bed and took it off after Austin had put him to bed last night and put on different underwear and pajamas. Good show of ingenuity and independence... poor wet bed! (When he doesn't wear a pull-up, we have to wake him up to go potty, which is hard to do when you think he's wearing a pull-up.)
Crazy kiddo #2:
I swear, Molly June is crawling. She motors around her crib like no other. We put her down in one spot and we come back and she has flipped over, rotated 180 degrees, and is at the total opposite end of the crib. How in the world does she do this? Yesterday she managed to do this move-to-the-opposite-end-of-the-crib trick and push herself up against her mobile, which meant she was hitting her head on the plastic. That scared her, so she picked up her head more, which meant she banged it more on the plastic. Not her finest moment. I need to spy on her and see what exactly she's doing to be able to move that much.
A few more pics...
Molly loves it when we put our head on her tummy, so these are pics of Tucker making her happy!
Tucker trying to play the tackle game while Austin tries to watch basketball