Well, my plans for the Richmond marathon are done. I did a little 10k race two and a half weeks ago, and noticed a little groin pain about mile 3. That's odd, I had thought, and continued to run. After all, the pain wasn't so bad. Until I stopped. Fast forward to now: the MRI yesterday confirmed a pelvic stress fracture, which are "notoriously difficult to heal." Hmmm... not what I like to hear from my doctor.
I am the proud new owner of a set of crutches. Gee, thanks.
Thankfully I am physically able to walk in a pinch, but I've learned enough about these fractures to have great respect for how long they take to heal if not treated well. Based on the internet forums I spent copious amounts of time last night perusing, it seems pretty common for people to report being out of running for a year. I'm hoping for three months.
Right now I can't even really pool run. I actually was pool running for the past two weeks, and that was what convinced me that I couldn't possibly have a stress fracture. Stress fractures are only supposed to hurt after doing weight bearing activities, but somehow mine hurts after I pool run... so it HAD to be muscular....
It is a little tricky navigating the world with a baby on the hip and crutches. The pic is of me looking particularly svelt this morning trying out the front pack-crutch combo.