We enjoyed a glorious holiday dinner at the Clifton Inn, a treat from my mom. It was wonderful food, though I think I am on rich food overload. There is a place for rich, buttery sauces, but really, only so much. I am ready for salads now. A lot of salads. But I guess I'll still make room for the peppermint bark in the freezer
Anyway, on to the mortification. Tonight, I employed my second babysitter for Tucker. I found a great one, with great references. I am so excited to be developing some contacts for reliable, responsible babysitting.
But I almost sent her out the door after an evening of work with only $5, instead of the $50 bill that I meant to. The going rate is $10/hour, and we live in the country and it takes time and gas to get out here.
So it was a simple mix up--I saw the "5" and thought it was the $50 and it wasn't! I thought I had no cash in my wallet besides the $50 bill!!!!! She must've been so surprised and shocked. Thankfully, as she was about to go out the door, she spoke up and told me. Oh, mortification. How horrible! It would be one thing if she knew us, knew that our intentions are to be honest and generous and all that. But this was her first time babysitting, so she didn't.
I've already sent an apologetic email, and at times like this there is nothing else to do but to file away a mental note to be more attentive in the future (why am I not more details oriented???) and to cut myself some slack. And also to remember that God is bigger than all of this.
Oh, sure, it's embarrassing and cringe worthy. Who likes to make a mistake and look bad? And yet, I'm thankful that at the end of the day, I can trust my life, myself and all these petty little details to the God I serve who is so much bigger than all this. And sure, I'll still take the wrong bill out of my wallet, still burn the popcorn, and who knows what else. But in the light of eternity the significance of these things really mellows.