Tucker is a generous little guy, and loves to give things. In the mornings if he's playing on our bed, before we drag ourselves up for the day, he often tries to stuff his pacifier into Austin's mouth. A very sweet gesture considering he loves his nuk, but not necessarily what either of us really wants to put in our mouth first thing in the morning.
Tucker also likes to feed us at meal times. It's a reciprocal thing: we feed him a spoonful of his dinner and he jams a ketchup-encrusted fist of soggy bread at us. Yummy....
Where the spirit of the season really takes hold for Tucker is with the dog. He has a compulsion these days to chase the dog, and give Ben whatever treasure he is holding. This weekend alone, Ben was given: a package of altoids, a sippy cup, a spoon, numerous food items, small wooden blocks, and Tucker's ducky. There are obviously several problems with this. First, unlike us, Ben doesn't give these items back to Tucker. Maybe this is good training for future sibling rivalry and the laws of sharing, but right now it is getting tiresome. Equally challenging is trying to teach the dog not to mooch food off the baby when the baby seems to desire to chase him and give him his food at every opportunity. Also, as discussed before, the dog actually eats inedible things (fabric, plastic) so it is with some trepidation that I see small wooden blocks getting crunched in his mouth