We had a busy Saturday doing projects around the house. Tucker exhausted himself helping Austin build a sandbox, helping me garden, pushing his stroller unassisted to get the mail, practicing driving the truck (with no keys in the ignition, of course) and about a thousand other activities. He is already in bed (it's 6 pm here).
Tucker has an obsession with our shoes right now. There are at least 10 pairs of shoes strewn around the house, thanks to Tucker's busy day. He was walking around in a couple pairs of my church shoes and my clogs, which I tried (unsuccessfully) to get a picture of. When he saw the camera, he came over and decided it was time to snuggle (hence some of the Jackie-and-Tucker close ups).
The sandbox that the boys built today still needs a lot more sand, but Tucker seems to think it needs less. He was very busy this afternoon trying to throw all the sand out. At first I tried to convince him that sand was supposed to go IN the sandbox, but it took me about two minutes to realize this was not a battle I cared about fighting.
In other news, I just want to say that kids are germy little things (those are actually the words of a friend of mine, but I've adopted the phrase). I swear, Tucker and I have been sick just about every 3 weeks all winter long. Thankfully it's just the sniffles for me, but really, I thought it was spring already!!???