We've had a busy week of being sick. And no, it was NOT from the chocolate doughnut that Tucker ate at church... it was a good old fashioned cold that Tucker and I both got, complete with fevers and coughs and all that fun stuff. Isn't it supposed to be Spring yet??????
In other news...
*We've embarked on cloth diapering this week. I got a whole lot of bumGenius and Haute Pocket diapers off craigslist this week (don't worry, they were all well cleaned). So far, so good. It really doesn't seem to be much more hassle than a couple extra loads of laundry a week, which I can handle. Buying diapers is definitely getting old.
*I've determined I'm insane. Remember, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different result. Tucker has already drained my car battery once because we let him play in it and he turned on the hazards without us noticing. What did we learn? Absolutely nothing. Because yesterday he did it again, only this time by turning the headlights on unbeknownst to us. What did I learn? Time for him to play in Daddy's truck, not Mommy's car! (Maybe I have learned a lesson, after all....)
*We discovered buried treasure in our yard. We've been wanting to put in a patio in the back of our house, near the grill, but there are a lot of other things that need to happen around our house first (fun things like roof painting, brick re-pointing, rotten siding replacement, etc...). Anyway, we've been running into random pieces of buried flagstone over the past year around our yard, like when digging in flower beds, and installing new drainage from the gutters. Two nights ago we got serious and started hunting for this buried stone. We uncovered enough stone for a small patio!!! (There's more stone that didn't even make it into the picture).