Tucker has discovered a love for painting this week. Austin is constantly painting something: the house, a door, whatever. Tucker was overjoyed when I got out the finger paints and told him that he could paint like Daddy.
Of course, it is still a bit hard to understand that Tucker only gets to paint paper, while Daddy gets to paint lots of different types of objects. Tucker also doesn't like to get his fingers dirty, and is firmly committed to paint brushes, both Daddy-sized and small ones more reasonable for a budding young artist.
There is a slight problem with this new love: it is very parent-intensive. The other day, Austin had just walked in from work and it was dinner time, and I was sick with a 101 fever... and Tucker decides it's painting time. Obviously it was NOT painting time, but it's hard to convince a paint-loving two year-old of that without a major battle sometimes.