Tucker is the proud owner of a second bus. What boy needs a second bus, you ask? Well, mine certainly does not. But he is very much a fan of the new situation.
We went to the thrift store today to drop off a nice winter jacket and assorted other goodies so that someone could pick them up before Christmas, and of course Tucker thinks of the thrift store like the toy store so we needed to go in. (I told him, "If we go in, we can't go to the park. Do you want to go to the thrift store or the park?" Without hesitation he picked the thrift store and practically jumped out of his carseat.)
I knew I was a goner when I walked into the kids section and saw that someone had unloaded all their Fisher Price trucks. Two fire trucks, a bus, a farm truck and trailer, along with the usual assortment of random smaller cars and trucks.
Tucker turned to me and said "pick one." It was almost a question, but more of a statement. I do usually let him pick one--I figure we have set up a nice toy-recycling program with the thrift store. Usually I hope for smaller ones, not huge duplicate buses. I thought maybe I'd be able to wait him out and use my mad parenting skill to steer him towards a nice little matchbox car. Yeah right.
At least he didn't pick the fire truck. We already have three of those at home.