Tucker continues to be a very amusing kiddo these days. He has lots of opinions, and sometimes you can't quite guess what they will be. This is a point in case: Helen gave Tucker an airplane fork last week, and he decided he did NOT like it. He said "Tucker, no fork!" and got down from the table and put it back into the silverware drawer. Why would Tucker not like an airplane fork? It's a mystery, and so is Tucker sometimes!
Tucker is starting to use verbs sometimes, which is a nice new development. Instead of, "Tucker cookie" it is now "Tucker get cookie." Or instead of "Tucker dog" it is "Tucker have Ben." Very sophisticated.
My two favorite expressions of his right now are "Tucker hold Mama!" which he yells and comes running to me to pick him up. Yes, it does melt my heart. :)
He also says "Oh!" instead of "yes" a bunch of the time. Like if I asked "do you want dessert?" he will light up and say "Oh!" It's really cute.