It is cold in the Orlando area this week. I was prepared for this to a degree, but not to THIS degree. When we tried to walk on the beach in the late morning it was still in the low 40's and really, really windy. A blustery day, as Pooh would say.
Still, I am celebrating that there is no snow on the ground. This would seem to be only a minor point of celebration for someone from Virginia if not for the fact that we've had a terrible winter: the public schools in my county have had about two days of school in the past three weeks, and no place seems safe from the crazy weather--even Dallas, Texas has a foot of snow right now. So I'm thankful for no snow.
We even have had some beach time, although that beach time has included all of our warmest clothes and not even going near the water. This is fine with Tucker, though. The first day we arrived, Tucker went about knee high in the ocean, but his eczema was bad that day and the salt water got into it and he ended up just screaming in pain from the sting. Since then he is very clear that the ocean water is bad and only the sand is good.