On Wednesday morning, we got to see a rocket launch from Cape Canaveral. It was pretty neat, and totally by happenstance that we got to see it. We actually were looking for the pier to show Tucker the big cruise ships docked there, as well as a lock that goes between the river and the ocean and is a great place to watch wildlife. We ended up slightly lost in the pier area and came upon a park that we decided to explore. The whole park was brimming with people. The entire parking lot was full. It was only then we realized that since it was on the water it had a great view of the Kennedy Space Center complex across the water... and of the rocket launch that had been scrubbed the day before because of bad weather.
Withing about five minutes of arriving we saw the rocket get launched. It went up with no ceremony--we didn't know it was happening until we saw it up there. At first it didn't make any noise until the boosters kicked in about halfway through our field of vision. Then it made a gentle booming noise. It took less than five minutes for it to ascend out of slight, probably less.
FYI, the first picture should be rotated 90 degrees counter clockwise... the rocket was launching up not over, but for reasons mysterious to me Blogger seems to be artificially rotating the picture when I upload it.