As I mentioned, we had a great Memorial Day weekend. In the car on the way home today, Tucker was very dismayed when he learned we were going back home and asked to go back to the cabin. He's a smart kiddo, of course, because it was the perfect weekend for a little boy (and not too shabby for his parents! :). With six adults and a baby cousin to entertain him, a hot tub at his disposal, lots of interesting food, lots of new things to see... what's there not to love?
The highlight was getting to meet our niece Emery who is just over two months old. It is amazing to me how tiny she is--Tucker emerged on the large side and was out of 0-3 months clothes within the month. Emery just seems like a peanut, it is just amazing. She is also very alert when she's awake and is a little bobblehead looking back and forth at everything. Tucker wasn't too possessive of me, and liked holding Emery's hand, bringing her toys and even helped (ie watched) her get a bath. His addition was loudly commanding "Don't get the water in her eyes" (like he says every time he gets a bath). I find it endearing he was watching out for her, and interested enough to observe the whole process without trying to take center stage.
(By the way, I only took pictures on our outings, which Emery didn't accompany us on so I need someone else to send me cabin pics... hint hint!)
Other highlights included:
*Giving Tucker the Junior Naturalist Quiz at Grandfather Mountain. The questions included things like "Is it safe or not safe to run down a hill and feed a bear?" Tucker's answer: Safe! "Is it safe or not safe to pick up a strange snake?" Tucker's answer: Safe!
*Going into his room after his quiet time to discover he had productively used the time to disassemble the blinds in his room. He had systematically removed about a third of the slats from the blinds without breaking anything or making enough commotion to attract my attention. He happily showed me his work and ingenuity.
*Stopping at a boat launch on our way back home to find a delightful swimming area and letting Tucker go in on the spur of the moment, regular clothes and all... and then racing a storm to get warm and dry back in the car.
*Discovering that Tucker's hands get prune-y when he stays in the hot tub a long time... and trying to eat the "raisins" off of them.
And much more. :)