I never knew that a toddler boy would have so many opinions about clothes, but Tucker does. He now picks out what he's going to wear most mornings, with more or less parental guidance depending on the day. Inevitably, Tucker ends up choosing to wear the yellow polo shirt in the picture because he loves yellow or his Mickey Mouse t-shirt (which is green, a decent runner up in colors). If it's cold enough to wear a sweater he always chooses a really preppy Ralph Lauren yellow sweater I got him for church. On the day pictured, he managed to get his yellow sweater really really dirty so I told him he should go pick out a new sweater, trying to avert a meltdown over having to take the yellow sweater off. He tromped upstairs and emerged a few minutes later with a yellow sweater vest, having found no other articles of yellow clothing in his drawers. (And no, in case you were wondering, we were doing NOTHING dressy that day except playing in the yard, doing some errands and going to the gym.) Silly boy.