Life is pretty quiet around here. I have two weeks left before my due date, so mostly I'm waddling around waiting for Baby Jamison to make her appearance.
Tucker, on the other hand, is keeping himself and all of us entertained on high volume these days. He goes to Sunday School, Preschool and the kids' program at a Bible study I attend so we are awash in crafts and new songs that he enjoys singing at the top of his lungs. (Incidentally, he also still enjoys making up his own songs, which are frequently quite amusing.) Having never had another three year-old, I'm not sure if this love of singing is a stage or if we have a musically inclined little man, but at this point I'm betting it's the latter. I also wonder if all three year-olds talk as much as he does... it seems that his modus operandi these days is to continually narrate his activities.
Of course, Tucker still has no filter and will tell you exactly what he's thinking. Apparently at the gym last week he was having a snack and the person in the kids' area was talking to him, and he just kept giving her dirty looks until finally she asked "Am I disturbing your snack?" He answered "yes" and proceeded to finish his snack before he would say another thing to her. He seems to have opinions about how everything should be and is very happy to share them. Thankfully, his tantrums have become fewer and farther between as of late, though he gets big teary eyes that are much more effective than tantrums in melting my heart.
His vocabulary is also growing and he enjoys using lots of modifiers to his sentences:
Me: What songs did you sing today?
Tucker: Maybe sort of like I don't know.
For a week or two in August I thought Tucker would go back to napping, but it was a false alarm and he remains as nap-less as ever. He also insists on sleeping in his reading/jumping nook every night, completely surrounded by toys and pillows and detritus that he collects there.
His favorite activities at home lately are playing dress-up, baking with me, playing doctor with any available person or animal, creating and mailing packages (usually VHS video covers with remotes inside), and making sure all the animals get into Noah's Ark before the rains come ("Two by two everyone, come on, it's raining!" he tells the animals as he marches them up.)