Last night Tucker really surprised us. I went in to check on him before bed, only to discover he was missing. He's been sleeping in his little jumping/reading nook between his two big boy beds for the past week, and with the amount of stuff he has piled in there it's a bit hard to see him sometimes. I removed his sleeping bag and pillows and it became more obvious: Tucker was not there. Tucker was also not in either of his beds.
At this point as a parent, I started to freak out. The windows weren't tampered with. The door to Austin's office was still closed. He wasn't crashed on the rug. So where was he??? Visions of Tucker wandering through the house asleep without us hearing went through my mind.
Thankfully I found him the next place I checked: under the bed. He was fast asleep under the middle of one of the beds in his room, on the hard wood floor, with a book beside him and ducky under his head. He had to have crawled under there because it is just not possible to have rolled to where he was. Totally ridiculous.
Also ridiculous was the fact that he was sleeping so soundly that I couldn't wake him up by talking or touching him and that Austin needed to pick one end of the bed up so I could sling him over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes and deposit him in a more reasonable sleeping location. (He did open his eyes for about a second when I put him in bed, but that was the extent of his acknowledgment of his new location.)
This morning when we asked him about it, he didn't remember being under there when Austin asked and when I asked he said there was a book under there he went to get. Hmmmmm.