At one point Tucker turned to me and said, "I want to keep my big boy room. I love it." (I think he was trying to make sure the big boy room wouldn't go away after his birthday ended.)
He spent the rest of the morning trying out both of his new beds, his jumping/reading nook, and his new sleeping bag and pillow from GoGo. Later, I asked him what his favorite birthday present was and he said the balloons. (GoGo had gotten him five mylar balloons of Mickey Mouse and yellow smiley faces, and had also blown up regular balloons and put them all around the room.)
Of course, that's not counting the gas pump that Austin's dad thought up and made for Tucker. Tucker loves that gas pump. Last night we had two other families over to watch our town fire department's 100th anniversary parade and then eat dinner and cake. The three other kids were also in awe of the gas pump, but it was so hard for Tucker to share it. He just sat in his car with very serious eyes watching the other kids touch it. Then when I suggested he give another child a turn with the car, he dutifully got out and followed me with big, teary eyes.

At the parade. This was the longest parade ever. It took 50 minutes for the whole parade to go by. (We left the parade watching after half an hour for the fire truck shaped moon bounces.) Because the parade was to celebrate our local volunteer fire department and there were no competing parades since it wasn't a holiday, the number of rescue vehicles appearing in this parade was mind boggling. I didn't count but I'd estimate there was at least 3 dozen fire trucks from the five surrounding counties that all showed up. I promise I'm not exaggerating--and that's not counting the police cars and ambulances!!!
Enjoying dinner and Tucker's much-anticipated yellow school bus cake (he has spent more than a month talking about the cake he wanted, and the green mint chocolate chip ice cream but it turned out he didn't even touch the ice cream he was so excited about the cake!).
Conked out in his jumping/reading nook during naptime. It's hard to fit in all the partying!
Pictures from the big boy room!