We've continued to churn out the projects recently. I've been doing the random indoor ones due to the oppressive heat that is finally starting to subside, Austin the big, impressive home improvement one (ie the patio). It's just about done and it looks fabulous, of course. The weathered bricks Austin's parents gave us from their driveway renovation look perfect next to our old house. The patio definitely has character.
I painted the entryway bench from white to blue so it wouldn't look dirty all the time...
I covered our changing pad with a vinyl tablecloth so that it would be easier to clean and not look so dirty all the time...
I refinished a coffee table so that it would hide the abuse we give it (the old finish wasn't doing a very good job of protecting it from propped-up feet and cups)...
And I stripped a threshold that had been painted white many, many decades ago (I'm guessing there was at least 10 coats of paint on it). Now it hides the dirt, too (are you sensing a theme with my work?)
And lastly, I tried to dye a fleece blanket with KoolAid but succeeded only in dying my hand because the fleece is synthetic and doesn't absorb colors. If Kool Aid can dye my hand this color, it must do great things to a person's insides....