Helen took Tucker and I to decorate a gingerbread house the weekend after Thanksgiving. This was unlike any gingerbread decorating I had ever encountered before... they had taken out all the hard parts--all you had to do was come and select the candy you wanted from a lavish spread and apply it to a pre-constructed house with bags of icing all laid out.
When we walked around selecting our candy, Tucker's eyes were unbelievably big. He was like little Charlie entering Willie Wonka's Chocolate Factory. It took him half an hour before he realized he was allowed to eat the candy, not just decorate the house. (He quickly made up for lost time after that!)
The other highlight of our gingerbread house adventure was Santa and Mrs. Claus wandering around the room to talk to the kids. Tucker was mostly frightened of Santa, but in an awe-struck sort of way.