Molly had her two month check-up yesterday and weighed in at 13 lbs 0 oz (Austin won our bet on what she would weigh for the first time ever). That makes her a big baby girl (90th percentile)! As we were leaving the doctor said that he'd see us when she was 6 months old. I was surprised because usually there's a four month check-up as well. Turns out, he looked at her and had simply forgotten that this was only her two month check-up. Molly is a whole pound and a half smaller than Tucker was at this age, but she started out smaller, too--they both added exactly 80% to their body weights in the two months since they left the hospital.
Molly is still an amazingly easy baby. For awhile there it seemed like she was discontent a lot of the time that she was awake (not loudly discontent, just not super happy to be doing anything except being held), but that seems to be fading away. She's starting to have lots of the fun wiggling-on-the-ground-making-fun-baby-noises time, which I remember fondly from when Tucker was that age. She still doesn't take a pacifier, but we haven't tried very hard because she's not loud and demanding and in pain like Tucker was from his digestive problems. She does like to smack on her fist.
She is still a great sleeper. Her bedtime is between 6 and 7 pm and I'll wake her up to eat before I go to bed and she'll often go 7 hours now till she wakes up (last night it was 8 and a half!). That would be sleeping through the night for normal people who don't go to bed as early as we do. During the day she prefers napping in her car seat to the crib, but that's okay with me at this point. I think she is stingier on smiles than Tucker was, but it's hard to remember exactly... I know she will continue to wake up more in the next six weeks and I think we'll see a little more of her personality.
What strikes me the most about having an infant again is how much easier it is than last time. A lot of this is how different Molly is than Tucker was. But I think a significant part too is how less bewildering parenthood is the second time around. Last time it seemed so difficult to get groceries with an infant. This time I barely notice having an infant when I do errands, because it's so much easier than having a toddler. I may need to drag around a heavy infant carrier--but she never talks back, never has opinions, doesn't run anywhere, doesn't throw tantrums. And to top it all off, she's cute and a good snuggler. She's definitely a keeper. :)