A month ago our garden looked impressive, but we weren't actually doing a lot of eating from it. The bounty arrived a couple weeks ago, and we are striving to keep up. Austin is an amazing, devoted gardener and Tucker is his little apprentice. Tucker can't help himself but spend his days in the garden. Every opportunity he is out there checking for raspberries and corn and cucumbers.
Amazing corn...
Next year we'll do bush beans so it's easier for Tucker to pick
Raspberries and blackberries are threatening to take over the world!
We planted lettuce in a pot on the north side of the house this year so we can have some even when it is really hot--we need to do more next year because it worked!
I love winter squash!
Good thing we have a whole field of it!!!
These are our cukes starting to climb a trellis (we succession planted them after the sugar snap peas).
LOTS of tomatoes. I think I have some canning to do! We are especially loving the Roma tomatoes.
We actually have peppers this year!
Tomatoes and blackberries from today...
Tomatoes from yesterday (plus the pot of tomato soup I made in the fridge!)
Carrots galore!
My gardening efforts with the flowers are so sad compared to Austin's green thumb in the vegetable garden. But then again, my "efforts" are just about nonexistent!