The Blue Ridge Parkway hosts various local groups every Sunday afternoon in the summer for free concerts in the Park. We haven't been since Tucker was born, and decided it was time today. It is hard to wake a sleeping baby, but it was worth it.
The weather was gorgeous--80 degrees at our house, 73 on the top of the mountain, and sunny. Tucker sat on our blanket in the shade and was mesmerized by the music. Several times he pointed at the musicians, to make sure we saw. He also loved clapping for them at the end of every song. His phrase of the day: "Wow." There were lots of wows about just about everything. In fact, our active little boy did not move from the blanket until after intermission to explore the rest of the homestead. I was shocked.
Tucker tried to steal the ball another family was kicking around several times, and got extremely shy when an elderly gentleman came up and wanted to show Tucker how he could wiggle his ears. It took almost half an hour to get Tucker back to the truck to go home because he was adament about watching various vehicles (motorcycles, RVs) pull out of the parking lot. He stood by the side of the grass where we'd been parking and waved to the cars he liked.
In other highlights from the weekend, Tiger Woods won today (and we even got to watch the end!).