We had an impressive storm yesterday evening, including the biggest hail I've ever seen. I tried to take a picture of it, but my camera was on a mysterious setting that made all the images black. This image is courtesy of google, but the hail really was that large, and it collected enough to make the mulch on our flower beds white.
The temperature went from almost 90 degrees to less than 70 in about 20 minutes. Austin is the weather guy around here and he can give a good explanation of hail, but to me it's pretty remarkable that big balls of ice can form and pelt us during a summer thunderstorm.
In the end, the cars weren't dented, the windshields didn't crack, and only a few tree limbs came down. In fact, to our surprise, the power flickered a bit but didn't even go out.
This is one of the truly amazing features of our new home... the power doesn't go out all the time. When we lived 5 miles down the road (with the same power company), our power went out all the time. ALL THE TIME. If the sky even looked like it was going to storm, we lost our power. The summer before Tucker was born when I was very pregnant, we had some horribly hot, sticky evenings with no AC (9 months pregnant and 84+ degrees inside with no working fan...), eating canned fruit and tuna so our food wouldn't go bad.
Instead, last night we had a civilized dinner with all three of Tucker's grandparents, enjoying the blue candles we didn't even need to light.