Tucker tried on his tux today for Mike and Kat's wedding in August. He's going to be the ringbearer, though I'm pretty sure he won't be carrying the ring, and it remains to be seen how he'll do walking down the aisle (or getting pulled in a wagon). I give it a 50-50 chance that I'll be carrying him.
He wasn't sure he liked getting all dolled up first thing in the morning, but I told him he needed to do it for Uncle Mike (the clock was ticking on switching sizes, if necessary). You really can find anything on ebay--this was a new toddler tuxedo for $30.
Of course, trying it on was VERY serious business and required both a pacifier and Ducky.
It also required a lot of checking himself out in the mirror to figure out what was going on.
In the end, he decided he was done with it.