Today was Tucker's second birthday, and we had a fabulous day. I only took a few pictures, but more are coming from David in the next couple days.
The morning started by opening presents from Austin and I in bed. Tucker is still at the age where he could spend 20 or 30 minutes on each present, so even opening 4 presents in a row was a lot for him. If you can tell from the pictures, it was serious business, and culminated in him shooting baskets outside in his new plastic hoop at 8 am (having still not eaten breakfast).
We went into town and met all three grandparents for a morning trolley ride around town. Tucker LOVES buses, so what could be better than riding the bus with all his favorite people? Not much. We got on two different trolleys and each time as soon as he sat down he started shouting "Bus! Bus! Bus! Bus!" Incidentally, he got a little matchbox car cement mixer this morning, and we managed to spot SIX cement mixers while we were on our way to and from town, as well as a dozen school buses and city buses. As I said, it was a very good day.
We had a wonderful lunch in town (I was concerned Tucker might try to eat nothing but sugar today, but he actually ate a whole hamburger), and I enlisted the help of a lollipop to keep Tucker awake on the way home. In retrospect, I'm not sure it was necessary, because he was so excited about the bus ride and playing with his grandparents.
After a decent nap, the festivities began again with all the grandparents showering Tucker with their gifts. He was positively delighted (and a bit overwhelmed!) with everything--he decided he liked his train table so much he needed to sit in the center of it. He liked his tricycle so much he decided it was actually a motorcycle. Aunt Liz's garbage truck had to accompany him inside and outside all afternoon. And he is currently asleep with Uncle Mike's motorcycles. This video shows what he thinks of the motorcycles....