Tucker had his two year-old doctor's visit today, and it's confirmed: he's still a big little guy. He weighed in at 31 lbs (~80th percentile) and 37 inches (off the charts). He looks long and lean like his daddy, and has most people tricked into thinking he's a lot older than he is. It is amazing to me that a kid can grow 18 lbs in year one, and less than 5 in year two--and still be large!
In terms of personality, I think Tucker is pretty reserved and relatively cautious (as two year-olds go). He is really sensitive to noise, which is funny because he loves to shout. Several people tell me that he has a long attention span and is very focused. He is very much a collector/organizer; he is always carrying at least one sippy cup and a handful of cars... you never know when they'll come in handy.
He has a lot of words these days, and is just starting to string them together, though usually his "sentences" are a couple nouns stuck together, like today he said "roof wet rain" when what he is trying to point out to me was "The roof is wet from the rain."
He is definitely an outdoors boy. When we get home from an expedition in the car, it is close to child abuse to make him come inside right away. I frequently find him trailing after Austin in the garden. He finds peppers and peas and raspberries even when we think they're all gone. He also stands by the beans and waits for us to pop them open for him. (Tonight I couldn't do it fast enough and he ended up marching up to the house demanding more beans for supper.) He also likes sports... he watches golf with us and runs to the screen and shouts "more!" when someone makes a putt. Balls aren't nearly as cool as trucks, but he does love to make baskets, hit golf balls and kick balls.
Of course, the love of his young life is trucks and all things wheeled. I'm not sure that will be an enduring interest, but the intensity with which he loves them surpasses any other little boy I know, and I think reflects a certain fixation/intensity in him. He is a sweet little boy, and he has a strong sense of order and how things should be (but can be very stubborn about getting them that way)!
It will be interesting to see what of his traits now are phases/developmental and what are the essence of Tucker.