Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My buddy, my buddy

I think you have to be a child of the 80's to remember the commercial for the "My buddy" doll which is a mini-me doll for little boys. (There was a girl version, kid sister, but it never seemed as cool.)

Tucker is Austin's little buddy these days. Last week, I was the only one who was allowed to wash his hands, give him a bath, put him to bed. This week, the honors have gone to Austin in a big way, and Tucker has morphed into a mini-me shadow of his dad these past few days.

This afternoon, Tucker just about refused to eat lunch in favor of sitting in Austin's office. He said he was hungry, and asked to eat... but when he figured out Austin wasn't going to go down too, he chose hunger over separation from Daddy.

At every opportunity, I am finding Tucker climbing the stairs to Austin's office, narrating what Austin is doing when he is out of sight "Dada work... Dada truck...", and mostly just following him around and "helping" at every opportunity.