Saturday, January 23, 2010

A jam packed morning... with nothing accomplished

This morning was a comedy of errors in trying to get a few errands done. I went to the gym early so that I could meet my guys in town after my class was over. But then I found I was parked in at the gym parking lot, with an almost-dead cell phone. I used my almost-dead cell phone to call Austin's cell, which was safely at home. In the meantime I set about trying to get the car moved that was illegally parked behind me. Unfortunately, a medical emergency immobilized the front desk of the gym (it was scary--a 17 year old boy just keeled over unconscious, though thankfully he was still breathing).

Austin and Tucker were at our appointed meeting place, waiting for me. They tried to find a working pay phone, but succeeded only in finding one that had a broken number "0" which meant they couldn't call my number which starts with 540.

I did finally get to Kinko's, and we copied our identification to include with Tucker's passport application. Next stop: the passport office, which in our town is at the main post office. Except, of course, the passport function is not open at any convenient time that the three of us would be together in town.

Next stop: Lowe's. We're trying to install a runner on our stairs so they won't be quite so much of a danger to Tucker. They are tall and hard and it makes us nervous. It turns out that the OTHER Lowe's is the one that has the big spools of stair runners.

While at Lowe's, I discover I've left my credit card in the machine at Kinko's, so we race back there, and a good Samaritan has turned it in.

Then we give up on all productivity and eat lunch. We barely make it home by Tucker's naptime, having accomplished nothing except retaining possession of my credit card, watching our son consume an enormous amount of french fries, and learning when and where we are supposed to do these errands to actually get them done.

Maybe one day I will learn to collect ALL my belongings, carry a charged cell phone, leave extra time, and call ahead. Or maybe not.