Here is yet another truck item of Tucker's, a truck tote bag. I made it last weekend out of some fabric I found in a thrift shop, and it has been very enthusiastically received. The only problem is that it's a bit large for Tucker to really carry himself... I need to shorten the straps so that he has more success when he wants to help me.
In other truck news, Helen and David brought over Austin's quilt from when he was a toddler, which is full of trucks. Tucker is in love, of course.
And speaking of saved Austin items, this is Austin's old lovey, Bunny, which Helen found cleaning out a closet a few weeks ago. They brought Bunny down to see Tucker this trip and it turns out that Bunny and Ducky are fast friends. Tucker really doesn't have much interest in stuffed animals, but he immediately decided that Bunny is really special. Pretty cute.