Tucker is very adament that he is a big boy now. He is very clear that babies use diapers and cribs, and that he is NOT a baby. We were going to the local children's museum yesterday, and he was admiring my gloves; I told him that they were big and he was little so they wouldn't fit. He immediately disagreed, saying, "No, Tucker BIG."
Anyway, we took down some of the nursery decorations this week and put up big pictures of trucks. Helen gave us extra 16x20 frames that she had lying around, and I took pictures of his trucks, then found a place online to have 11x14 prints made for $3.50, and got pre-cut mats at Michael's, and we were in business. Tucker, unsurprisingly, is a fan. I think this is a decorating strategy that can grow with him--when he gets tired of the trucks, just take pictures of his new interest and put it in the frames, or use the frames to frame his own artwork.