I paid for my first ever library book today, Axle Annie by Robin Pulver. Really, of course, I paid for Tucker's first destroyed book. Its destruction was a crime of passion during naptime last week, because Tucker adored that book. It's the story of an intrepid bus driver who makes it up the steepest hill in town through the worst winter can throw at her so that schools are never canceled. Two members of the local Grouch and Grump Club want schools to be canceled and set out to get Axle Annie's bus stuck on the hill.
Apparently, Tucker was looking at the book during his naptime, and he got so worked up over the two mean men that he just started ripping them up. When I went into his room after naptime, I find him still prone on a sea of ripped up pages. I asked what happened and he began sobbing uncontrollably, he was so sad about the state of his beloved Axle Annie.