...Tucker's hair!
Tucker has been really commiserating with the situation in the Gulf recently. One night at bedtime I decided his eczema wasn't bad enough that night to need the hydrocortisone prescription ointment we have. But Tucker saw me with it and thought he needed it, so he popped up after I left the room and got the tube of ointment.
I'm not sure what prompted Austin to go into the room a few minutes later but Tucker was swimming in the ointment--on his hair, on the sheets, and on his feet which he had propped up on the wall thereby slathering the wall with it. Austin asked Tucker what he was doing and he said "putting lotion on Ducky."
This is Tucker the next morning (he chose the outfit himself). We now have oil stains on his sheets, a distinct sheen on the wall (even after washing it down)... and I am much better about putting all lotions out of reach.