Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sometimes Grandma Really Does Know Best

My mom took Tucker to the library last week when she was here, and they looked at a book promisingly entitled "Oops." It was a book with no words, just pictures, of a house built on ridiculous stilts on the side of a hill that falls down. My mom quickly put the book away at the library so he wouldn't be scared, thinking that houses falling down is not a great subject for active two year-old imaginations.

But Tucker spent all of last weekend talking about the book, and whether his house was going to fall down. I thought the subject fascinated him, and so when we went to the library this week, we checked it out.

It turned out my mom was right.

He has not wanted to read the book one time, even when asked on numerous occasions (after all his talk about it, Austin and I are interested in reading it--it'd be a good break from Thomas the Train).

Fast forward to last night... we were having a thunderstorm complete with some impressive hail. I went up there when the hail was coming down loudly on the metal roof; Tucker was really crying and all he wanted to know was if his house was going to fall down. He calmed down, I went back downstairs. Next time he started crying, Austin went up and had to reassure Tucker once again that his house was NOT going to fall down.

Thankfully, the storm (eventually) ended, Tucker fell asleep and that book is going back to the library ASAP.