Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Winter Recap


I keep telling myself it has to be spring, that we’re seeing the light at the end of this long (snow) tunnel of winter.  I think this time it really may be the truth.  The winter got off to a slow start with snow, but Tucker’s school managed to cancel a lot anyway.  Then when the snow really started in February and March, the snow day tally just got ridiculous—I think he’s had 12 days off so far, not counting probably that many days with a 2-hour delay.

So we have had a lot of time to enjoy the small skating pond that formed in our field…


Our river that iced almost completely over for the first time since we’ve lived here…


Big snow piles, snow forts and snow men…



And lots of time inside to make forts on every available surface in between a strenuous schedule of seeing how much winter Olympics it’s possible for a person to watch. 

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