Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Molly is Four


Molly officially turned four last week, but it sure has felt like she’s been four for awhile in terms of the way she acts.  I love the times when she’s still little—she still loves to snuggle and still sleeps with her lovey in her mouth (“mouth bunny” she calls it).  But I also have flashes of time when I feel like she’s a teen in training already, like when she tells me “Mom, don’t say THAT!”  This year, she was obsessed with all things birthday, so she started “writing” invitations to her birthday party back in June.  It involved using any notecards she could find around the house, and scribbling/writing random letters on them while she narrated phrases like “Dear Lukie, you are SO special, I love playing with you.  Please come to my party. Love, Molly.”  She changed up the messages she was writing for each friend. 

By the time Tucker’s birthday came and went in September, birthday anticipation had reached fever pitch in my favorite soon-to-be-four-year-old.  All in all, big non-family birthday parties aren’t my favorite thing and I will work on convincing the kids that maybe next year we’ll plan favorite outings with favorite friends instead… but this year I didn’t even have the heart to offer her an alternative to a birthday party, she was so excited about this one.  Of course, the other great thing about four year-old birthdays is that the parents stay and that the kids are totally happy with free play.  This year I buried some whistles in plastic bags in the sandbox (treasure) and we strung Apple Jacks, pretzels and gummy lifesavers on string to make necklaces.  That was about the extent of party prep.  Unless you count making an all-orange bunny cake because as Molly will tell anyone who will listen, orange is her favorite color.

Molly at four is very, very into me and wants to be my sidekick at all time.  She is very vocal about her opinions about just about everything, her opinion is not easily changed, and she is not easily distracted.  Last night I closed her door after I put her to bed and she was mad because she wanted me to keep it open.  She immediately opened it, but then proceeded to wait 30 or 40 minutes while I took a bath just so that when I came out of my room again she could tell me (again) that she was sad because I had closed her door initially (and demand another kiss).  Man, that type of sulking takes concentration!

Her favorite thing these days is ballet.  She loooooves her ballet class.  At her class’ visitors day last week, I was shocked at just how enthusiastic she was in that class—I believe she was the only little girl who answered any question.  She also told her instructor at least four times that her favorite color was orange, and other useful bits of info like her brother is 7. 

Molly loves letters and writing and crafts and has a long attention span.  This morning after we dropped Tucker at school she came home and begged me to help her write her thank you cards for her party.  She was on her fourth one before she got bored.  I wish I felt the same way about thank you cards!  She is very excited about becoming a big sister and is already specifying what the baby is going to be doing.  I think she may be disappointed with how little babies actually do at first….

One of my favorite conversations with her lately:

Me: What’s your last name?

Molly: Bug.

Me: Bug?

Molly: Yes, bug.  Molly June BUG.


I love you, my favorite Molly June Bug!

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