Sunday, June 7, 2015

Emily at 3 Months


Emily is flourishing.  She is a beautiful little girl and we all are having so much fun having a baby again.  Life has gotten much easier for us since she started zantac at 2 months.  She is eating well now, without pain and screaming, which makes life for me much easier.  She is a very interactive baby and cracks big smiles when you talk softly to her.  She also is very active.  She now often turns on her side to sleep which I don’t remember either of my other kids doing, and certainly not at three months.  She wiggles all around her crib at night.  We often find her at the opposite end of the crib, turned 90 degrees and smiling and cooing when we go to get her in the morning.  This past week in the middle of the night, Austin went in to give her a pacifier and she flashed him a big grin and then scissored his hand with her legs, as if to say “ha! got you!”  She loves her mobile and will wiggle and thump for a long time just looking at it.  She also loves the front pack and will reliably fall asleep in it, which is wonderful for napping on the go.  She still nurses once a night though she has gone through before, but not lately.  It’s easier to feed her than to try to get enough good feedings in during the day that she doesn’t need it (she is already very distractable with nursing). 


She reminds me of Tucker as a baby, partly because of personality (she loves the mobile, is happy in her crib when she wakes up in the mornings, etc.), partly because she spits up amazing amounts like he did and has eczema and a dairy allergy like he did, and partly because I think she looks like him.  Also, she still has blue eyes like Tucker’s at that time—Molly’s were already dark brown by two months.  (Tucker is on the right in the following two sets of photos).

