Today during naptime I finally got around to doing the Christmas crafts that I was meaning to do in December and never got around to. Of course these are not time-sensitive or important in any way, and there are more pressing things on my to do list. But sometimes a gal needs some nap time craft fun.
I found this old knick-knack tree that I'm turning into an Epiphany wall hanging. I have little brass nativity people, and will arrange it so that Tucker will move the wise men one spot each day till the 12th day of Christmas when they will arrive at the baby Jesus. If only my numbers looked a bit more elegant... I think I'll probably blot them out and try again, or get stick-on numbers to put on top of them.
I also finished up the angel tree topper I was meaning to make. I'm not so sure about it. It really looks pretty funny, if you ask me, but I made it out of all things I had on hand, and I can at least put it away till our star versus angel tree topper wars at the end of this year. :)
I also took some frames that I got at my favorite thrift store, and painted them and printed out some new Christmas-themed pics for them.
This is one of the Bentley snowflake designs that I printed (the photos are in the public domain!):
This is a Renaissance painting that I brought into Fotosketcher to create an impressionist rendition of the nativity:
And this is a poinsettia, just for fun:
Austin, of course, is terribly confused about this sudden rash of Christmas crafts in March. Apparently, he completely missed that we *needed* more Christmas wall hangings in the first place.