Tucker is like a little squirrel. He loves to collect little objects and hide them and organize them. Yesterday while I was painting some furniture he spent at least half an hour "driving" my car, and organizing the quarters I keep for parking meters. (He needs to be watched with quarters as he's not 100% reliable on putting them in his mouth, but getting better).
One of his favorite activities is going to the chicken coop to see if they have laid any eggs. He loves to carry them back, and is so excited to put them into the egg carton in the fridge... seeing all those eggs together really gives him a thrill. Of course it's a problem when they have to go back in the fridge and he can't play with them, which is why he now has a egg carton full of pastel plastic Easter eggs that we substitute. Making sure those plastic eggs stay where they belong, and seeing if they have anything in them is really a full time job.
Tucker enjoys coloring now, but even more importantly, likes to organize his markers. His markers live in the back of his big red car, and he often spends a lot of time bringing them back and forth from his coloring table, and making sure they all belong in the car.
Tucker also likes assembling his trucks. The other day he spent about an hour bringing his trucks from all over the house into our tiny little downstairs bathroom. It was a little army of trucks.
On a totally unrelated note, Tucker learned how to kiss yesterday. I came home from swimming and he was sitting on my lap, and I was tickling/kissing him, and he decided that HE was going to kiss mommy. It hurt it was so cute! AND I got a LOT of baby kisses.