No. Playdoh does NOT equal a playing dog. We learned this first hand last night when Ben ate some of Tucker's playdoh. It didn't seem like a lot--maybe half a cup? Remember, Ben has eaten lots of terrible things. Playdoh didn't even register on my radar screen as being a problem.
And then he started compulsively drinking water. Playdoh is not toxic, but it is almost pure salt. He went through two full bowls of water, drinking continuously for 10 minutes. We couldn't let him outside because it had just rained and there were puddles everywhere that he was tempted to drain as well.
I always worry about bloat, which can kill a dog in a matter of hours and is often caused by excessive drinking/eating in a short time period. We limited Ben's access to a couple cups of water every 15 minutes or so (which is, of course, still a lot of water). He stared us down between those intervals, begging us to relent and give his parched body just a drop more.
His "parched" body of course needed to pee approximately every three minutes, he had so much water in him. So Austin was up till midnight on doggy duty (well, really, watching Duke get pounded in the round of 16 of the NCAA basketball tournament). And then I came down and slept on the couch so I could ration the water and open the door for Ben's potty breaks.
Thankfully, Ben is none the worse for wear now, and seems to have enjoyed his middle of the night snuggling. I, on the other hand, am a bit tired.