I just mentioned in the last entry that Tucker can really eat when he wants to. Last night we went to our favorite hole-in-the-wall diner in town for dinner. They don't have a kids' menu, so we ordered Tucker an adult hamburger and fries.
When he saw the food he just about flipped out, he was so excited. He ate almost 2/3 of that hamburger and half of the french fries. It was really impressive. (Keep in mind he weighs like 25 lbs--that's a LOT of food for a little boy.)
Then he put the take-home container on his head. What could be more fun?
Actually, there were lots of highlights of our dinner. One was when he realized he could see the street from our booth and he pointed out to us all the trucks and buses that went by. THAT was exciting.
He also really enjoyed eating cheerios from the hoods of his matchbox cars while we waited for our food. He even had a little matchbox ambulance that he was able to squeeze a cheerio into.
He saw his favorite clerk from our grocery store, eating with his wife. This guy looks like kind of a gruff older man, but every time he sees Tucker he melts into a smile and says "That's a fine fellow there."
Ah, good times....